二月二龙抬头,热烈欢迎国际詠春拳大师—郑忠等贵宾莅临吉马集团参观         2024年3月10日—3月11日,在这美好的日子里,国际詠春拳大师—郑忠、紫山集团董事长—洪长水等一行贵宾受吉马集团董事长林建国邀请莅临吉马集团参观、交流,集团全体员工对诸位贵宾的到来表示热烈的欢迎。
喜报 | 吉马集团曾文利荣获“中国设计40年设计事业突出贡献奖”          为庆祝中国包装联合会设计专业委员会成立42周年暨中国之星设计奖创办40周年,以“致敬、传承、创新”为主题的“中国设计40年”系列专项活动,于2023年12月16日在北京(北京印刷学院)召开。吉马集团曾文利有幸受邀参加并荣获“设计事业突出贡献奖”。
吉马集团林建国董事长荣获“中国酒业30年功勋酒商”荣誉称号         2023年11月29日至30日,一场盛会在江苏南京国际博览中心拉开帷幕,这不仅是中国糖酒食品行业的一次盛大聚会,更是华糖云商创立三十周年的盛典。活动现场热闹非凡、人声鼎沸,行业专家、酒界大咖、新锐精英、万商云集,共同见证华糖三十年的风雨兼程和用智慧与汗水铸就的一座座丰碑。
世界酒博园1016游园酒会暨“贵州安酒”品牌体验馆落成仪式          金秋十月、丹桂飘香,高朋满座、喜福吉祥。2023年10月16日,世界酒博园一年一度的游园盛会如约而至,1016是世界酒博园的吉祥数字,也是“贵州安酒”品牌体验馆在世界酒博园落成的好日子,活动邀请了漳州市人民政府驻沪办、上海市福建商会、上海阜阳商会、上海如东商会的领导,以及安徽古井贡酒、湖北劲牌、江西四特酒、贵州安酒的企业代表、经销商朋友及社会人士近百余人参加本次活动
复星全球合伙人、舍得酒业蒲吉洲董事长一行莅临吉马集团         七月的阳光热情而奔放,草木之间透着美酒的芬芳,世界酒博园迎来了尊贵的客人。7月9号上午,复星全球合伙人、舍得酒业联席董事长、总裁蒲吉洲一行莅临吉马集团——世界酒博园(上海)参观、指导和交流,同行的有舍得酒业副总裁、营销公司总经理王维龙;舍得酒业总裁秘书胡轶凡;老酒事业部华东大区总经理汪秋锁;舍得事业部上海特区办事处经理陈辉;老酒事业部浙沪办事处经理谷昊华;沱牌事业部上海特区办事处副经理李鹏鸽等领导。
Lucky Horse Group was awarded the "Top 50 China Alcohol Merchants of the Year" & Vice President Lin Jianneng won the "China (Alcohol Industry) Circulation Leader of the Year" award         On July 5, 2023, a high-level industry event "China Alcohol Golden Honor Award" annual ceremony was held in Qingdao, Shandong Province. The "2023 Alcohol Industry Innovation Trend Conference" award ceremony was held on July 6, Lucky Horse Group was awarded "Top 50 China Alcohol Merchants of the Year" for its pioneering innovation and outstanding performance. At the same time, Mr. Lin Jianneng, Vice president of Lucky Horse Group and General Manager of the Beverage Division, stood out with his determination for forging ahead, and was awarded the “China (Alcohol Industry) Circulation Leader of the Year".
汾芳上海 酒溢天下——扬州VIP客户酒文化之旅         春风和煦,阳光微暖。4月21日随着云开雾散旭日东升,世界酒博园在熠熠生辉中迎来了一行重要的客人:“复古藏青双耳汾酒”扬州VIP客户参观团,正式开启了“汾芳上海 酒溢天下”世界酒文化之旅。
异业联盟 携手共赢         墨香缭绕,酒香飘溢,在万物恰好的人间四月天,上海世界酒博园吸引了来自各行各业的精英莅临,并在文化、科创和投资领域展开交流与学习。
Lucky Horse was rewarded as the “Annual Influential Operator” in the Food and Drinks Fair         On the morning of April 11, 2023, the 18th China Wine Summit Forum, "Brave the waves to realize new growth", was held in Minyoun Chengdu Dongda Hotel. As one of the most influential professional forums in China's wine industry, it gathered many well-known entrepreneurs, experts and scholars to discuss the development trend and innovation opportunities of the industry. At the meeting, Lucky Horse Group was rewarded as the "Annual Influential Operator" for its outstanding business performance and brand impact, which once again highlights Lucky Horse Group's outstanding contribution to China’s wine market.
Lucky Horse Group Won the Award of "2022 Annual Top 100 China Alcoholic Drinks Enterprises (Circulation)"         As the mainstream media in the domestic alcoholic drinks industry, China Alcoholic Drinks Industry magazine selects the Top 100 China Alcoholic Drinks Enterprises every year to recognize their outstanding performance in the industry. In the selection of China's Top 100 Alcoholic Drinks Enterprises (circulation) in 2022, the selection criteria of circulation enterprises include market share, sales volume, brand awareness and operation and management ability. Lucky Horse Group stood out with excellent performance and was awarded the honor of "Top 100 China Alcoholic Drinks Enterprises (Circulation) in 2022", which fully reflects its leading position in the market.