创新购物体验 开拓农村市场——吉马南靖金山店重装开业         为了更好地开拓农村市场,服务当地百姓,满足新时期农村消费需求,持续打造吉马商超品牌,2016年12月25日吉马南靖金山店即将重装开业。
吉马荣昌购物广场通过安全标准化生产三级评审         从2015年6月至2016年12月上旬,公司根据企业安全生产标准化基本规范(A49006—2010)、《企业安全生产标准化评审工作管理办法(试行)》(安监总办〔2014〕49号)、《福建省商贸企业安全生产标准化评审工作管理办法(试行)》(闽商务流通〔2015〕5号)和《商场企业安全生产标准化评定标准》等要求,经公司全员的协同努力,构建起安全标准化体系,完成了包括初始评审、策划、培训、实施、自评等各个阶段的工作。结合公司生产安全实际,通过建立系统的安全管理体系,规范安全生产作业管理,以此持续改进安全生产长效机制建设。
漳州理工学院组织教师赴古田会议会址参观学习         为纪念中国共产党成立95周年、红军长征胜利80周年,进一步开展“两学一做”学习教育活动,提升教师思想政治素质,12月11日,漳州理工学院组织教师赴古田会议会址参观和瞻仰革命圣地,接受革命精神的洗礼。
2017年福建省职业院校技能大赛两大赛项在漳州理工学院拉开帷幕          12月7日-8日,2017年福建省职业院校技能大赛市场营销技能、企业沙盘模拟经营两大赛项在漳州理工学院举行
福建省教育厅曾能建副厅长一行莅临漳州理工学院调研         12月7日,福建省教育厅曾能建副厅长、规划处吴吓凤处长、基教处陈祥桢处长在漳州市教工委黄江辉书记、漳州市教育局余美吾副局长等领导的陪同下,莅临我校调研。受到我校林朱江董事长、李达轩常务副校长、詹志灵副书记、张海通副校长、林超融副校长等校领导的热情接待。
President Lin Jianguo of Lucky Horse Group Attended the Delegation of the East Asia Summit (EAS) and was Interviewed by Cambodia’s Prime Minister Hun Sen         On Sep.6th, Prime Minister Li Keqiang attended the EAS for an official visit to Laos. President Lin Jianguo of Lucky Horse Group attended the delegation of the “13th ASEAN Business &Investment Summit” held in Laotian capital, Vientiane. He also attended a series of economy and trade activities held in Cambodia and Sri Lanka and the “China-Cambodia Business &Investment Forum” jointly held by CCPIT and Chamber of Commerce in Cambodia.
Gong Xueping & Peng Shuigen and Their Party Visited Lucky Horse International Wine Culture Center         On May 25th , Former Director of Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress Gong Xueping, Former Commander of Shanghai Garrison Major General Peng Shuigen, President Liyu of Zijiang Group, President Xue Xinwei of Jiufeng Sanmao, President Hu Shenqi of East Asia Group, President Chen Rongjin of Shenyuexuan Lilac Garden, Professors Qi Heliang, Xujian and Gu Chuanxu of Shanghai Institute of Visual Art and Qiaoqian visited Lucky Horse International Wine Culture Center. They had been warmly welcomed and received by President Lin Jianguo of Lucky Horse Group and the relative responsible officers of the wine culture center.
Vice President of Lucky Horse Group Lin Jianneng visited Australia and attended Sino-Australian Trade Meeting         On Nov.16th, Vice-president Lin Jianneng of Lucky Horse Group and General Manager of Lucky Horse Economic & Trade Company, who’s invited and arranged by the Oz-Town, had 5 days visit to Canberra, Hobart, Smithton and Sydney. His visit was successful, further deepened the cooperation of Lucky Horse with Oz-Town and effectively promoted the strategic mechanism of bilateral trust. Oz-Town as the high quality platform to provide the Sino-Australian trade and cultural innovation, had devoted to raise the export market share of Australian wines and foods in China and to service more Chinese consumers to realize the experience of perfect Australian lifestyle.
西凤总经理徐可强率高管参观考察吉马酒文化中心         金秋十月、丹桂飘香,10月26日,陕西西凤酒股份有限公司总经理徐可强携西凤酒股份有限公司副总经理周艳花、西凤酒股份有限公司CFO、西凤定制酒公司执行董事袁戌宇、西凤定制酒公司总经理赵旭豪、省外综合产品营销事业部总经理雒铸奎、营销公司执行评估部部长肖尧、总经理秘书王智勇等高管来到吉马国际酒文化中心参观访问。
澳大利亚联邦议员Bernie Ripoll先生参访吉马酒文化中心         0月16日,澳大利亚联邦议员Bernie Ripoll先生、澳大利亚OZ-TOWN总裁Sophy Liu女士一行,在吉马国际酒文化中心行政总监张伟中先生的陪同下,参观访问了上海吉马国际酒文化中心、吉马大酒库,考察了即将装修开馆的吉马国际酒文化中心澳洲馆场地。