嘉定区领导一行莅临吉马国际酒文化中心参观交流 (2019-03-19)         2019年3月18日上午,嘉定区人大原副主任,现任区总工作研究会会长陆晞;嘉定区人大原副主任、工会主席沈贵楚;江桥镇原人大主任,现任区劳模协会会长张潮;区总工会原副主席、现任区总工作研究会副会长龚英、江桥镇原工会主席、现任区总工作研究会副会长李春龙、区建委原党工委委员、纪工委副书记、工会主席、现任区总工作研究会副会长李家东及区有关委、办、局、各镇、街道原工会主席等36人莅临吉马国际酒文化中心参观考察。吉马酒文化中心总经理张伟中先生向领导一行简要介绍了吉马国际酒文化中心的发展历程、整体规划及愿景。
吉马集团董事长林建国荣获“中国葡萄酒市场发展40年功勋人物”奖 (2019-03-17)         弘扬中国葡萄酒文化,增强葡萄酒市场发展。3月17日下午,以“致敬中国葡萄酒市场风云40年”为主题的中国葡萄酒市场白皮书发布会颁奖盛典在天府之国成都盛大开幕。
展现城市魅力 架起友谊桥梁!—记“漳州城市馆”即将入驻吉马国际酒文化中心 (2019-03-14)         日前,漳州驻沪联络办与吉马国际酒文化中心正式签约入驻,这意味着吉马集团正以开放的理念与大家携手并进,以闽商的风采架起友谊的桥梁。
喜大普奔!漳州驻沪联络办签约入驻吉马国际酒文化中心 (2019-03-08)         阳春三月,东风送暖。3月5日下午,吉马国际酒文化中心与漳州驻沪联络办的签约仪式于上海世界酒博园顺利举行。
迎元宵佳节 世界酒博园再添喜讯 (2019-02-19)         元夕万家宴,宵月千里明。今天,我们迎来了春节过后第一个重要的传统节日——元宵节。值此佳节来临之际,吉马国际酒文化中心携全体员工,恭祝合作伙伴们幸福团圆、阖家安康!
2019年吉马集团新春工作会议隆重召开 (2019-02-16)         2月11日——14日,迎着新春的喜庆,为期四天的2019年吉马集团新春工作会议在集团五楼会议室隆重召开。参加本次集团会议的人员主要有:集团领导、各部门主管、下属各经营性单位负责人等20余人。本次会议紧紧围绕“整体发展大环境,在新的一年更好开创集团工作新局面。同时深刻总结过去一年各产业的经营成效,分析存在的短板环节,谋划和调整工作思路布局”为议题。正如林总裁所言,本次会议是一次大集思、大交流、大交心的会议。也是发展关键时期举行的一次攻坚克难、与时俱进、集思广益、砥砺前行的誓师会议。
The Visit of Australian Trade and Investment Commission and the Original Chairman of Shaoxing Yellow Rice Wine Group to Lucky Horse International Wine Culture Center         On Jan 22nd, distinguished friends came to Lucky Horse International Wine Culture Center. General Manager Ms Liu Bing of Australian Trade and Investment Commission in China, Director Ms Wei Xiaoya of Southern Australian State Government in China, Business Development Manager Mr. Li Jinkun of Western Australian State Government, World Wine Master Mr. Robert Geddes and the Original Chairman of Shaoxing Yellow Rice Wine Group Co., Ltd. Mr. Fu Jianwei visited Lucky Horse International Wine Culture Center.
Chairman of CMB and His Company Visited Lucky Horse International Wine Culture Center         On the afternoon of Nov.12th, Chairman of CMB (Concours Mondial de Bruxelles) Mr. Baudouin Havaux, chateau owners from France, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Sweden, CMB judges and professional wine purchasers from Jingdong visited Lucky Horse International Wine Culture Center.
The Opening & Cooperation Signing Ceremony of Lucky Horse World Wine Museum was held in Lucky Horse World Wine Expo Park         On the morning of Nov. 6th, China International Import Expo was grandly held in Shanghai, while the Opening & Cooperation Signing Ceremony of Lucky Horse World Wine Museum was held in Lucky Horse World Wine Expo Park. Mayor of Zhangzhou Municipal People’s Government Liu Yuan, Member of the Standing Committee of Zhangzhou Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of Party Working Committee of Gulei Development Zone Wu Wentuan, Deputy Mayor of Zhangzhou Wu Weihong, Chairman of China National Association for Liquor and Spirits Circulation Wang Xinguo, Chairwoman of China Non-staple Food Circulation Association He Jihong, Deputy Secretary General of China Alcoholic Drinks Association Gan Quan, Strategic Consultant of China Alcoholic Drinks Association and Honorary Chairman of Shanghai Alcohol Circulation Industry Association Lu Ronghua, Secretary of Party Committee of Jiangqiao Town Jiading District Shanghai Wang Jie, Leaders from Shanghai Cultural Relics Bureau, Chairman of Shanghai Collection Association, Expert Consultant Team made of the Brewmaster in China and Experts of National Liquor Tasting, key personnel from famous wine companies in China, signing guests of foreign trade and media reporters, hundreds of people attended the ceremony.
Deputy Secretary of Zhangzhou Municipal Committee of the CPC and Mayor of Zhangzhou City in Fujian Province Liu Yuan and His Company Visited Lucky Horse International Wine Culture Center         In this pleasant season of autumn with brisk air and osmanthus aroma, on the morning of Sep.20th, with the company of Director Luo Daoqi of the Liaison Office of Zhangzhou Municipal Government in Shanghai, Deputy Secretary of Zhangzhou Municipal Committee of the CPC and Mayor of Zhangzhou City in Fujian Province Liu Yuan and his company visited Lucky Horse International Wine Culture Center